Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hey :)
Soz guys i haven't blogged in ages!!!!!!

Lots of things have been happening of late.

Last week i fainted in class. It was health class. And before you ask i didn't faint because of anything we were talking about... It was a really hot day and i hadn't had a drink since the morning. i was just sitting in class then all of a sudden i was on the floor and my face hurt. Apparently i hit my face on the desk. yeeeep. well since health is a options class at least one person from every form class was in the room. As you could probably guess EVERYONE knows now. I am still known to about half of the school as: the girl who fainted in health. Nice. Nice name you've got for yourself Harriett.  

Well i think it was last post that i wrote about how i deeply despise people who post pics of there cats on sites. Well in English we have to write speeches and our teacher said we could write about anything we want so me being me am writing about things that annoy me!!!!! such fun!

this week it has been pouring down. This afternoon it was stormy!

tomorrow my class is going to splash planet (giant water park) for the day! AND WE ONLY HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL BY 9:15  sleep in sleep in i get to sleep in. we also get a pancake breakfast!
we are aloud to wear mufti and if its cold again tomorrow i might wear my Sherlock coat. Would that be weird? It probably would be. Never mind.

Harriett Cumberbabe :)
(should i wear my coat?)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


We had tests today at school..... ughhhhhhhh. I hate testing but I think I did alright.. hopefully.

Ummm so whats been happening of late? Well Claras school is having a talant contest and Clara is going to sing for it. Witch is nice. Except for all the practice she has to do for it. I swear if I hear 'Katie Perrys , firework one more time...... ughhhhhh.

Also something pretty interesting that happened today was that there was a kinda food fight at school today. it was raining so we had to sit in the 1s block to eat. So I was just sitting there. With an apple. Throwing it up and catching it. Up and down, up and down etc, but I accidentally dropped it and it rolled over to Eve who was sitting across from me and I asked "hey Eve could you pass me my apple?" And Eve being Eve looks me straight in the face grabs the apple and chucks it down the other end of the corridor. This random chick picks it up and chucks it back down the other end of the corridor, lets just say that the 1s block was quite appley by the end of lunch. Yeep.
So yeah that was rather fun.

FUN FACT OF THE DAY!!!!!! sky and I were talking to this chick in our class and well apparently she sleeps with a knife...
Horry for normalnessssssss.

Well I have more tests tomorrow and I should probably be studying pfffft na I'll probs end up getting distracted and reading a fanfic......
Ah well
P.s thanks for the 156 page views! !!!! :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

sisters and thier friends.

Has anyone else noticed how when your little sister has a friend over they change. Rose invited her friend Shania over and she is acting extremely werid. We were casually eating lunch and they started making fart noises with thier hands. That was ok (when I say ok I mean completely not ok but ok in comparason to what they started doing next.) Then they started talking in baby voices. now I dont get overly annoyed at most things but if you start talking in a baby voice them im sorry I will have nothing to do with you for the next 5 00000000000000000000000 years. So I excaped to my room. Im safe now.

Now I have google + and music to keep me sane. Probably not the  best things to keep me sane. Yip. But evan google + Is kinda annoying me at the moment. Why? Cat people. You know the people who have nothing better to do than take a picture of there sleeping cat and post it for other cat people to say "awww cute" every single time. Im sorry but that really annoys me. (Sorry if u do that :( )

Any way soon Rose and Shania will be gone because they are going to the beach. Until then I am staying in my room. Hopefully my dad comes home soon. I need to go to the libary.

Well bye!!!!!!
(Sorry this blogg post was kinda mean and judgemental, I am in a arggggggy mood. Haha arggggggy. K bye. )

hey hey hey

 Have not blogged In ages! Im verry sory :( yesterday was Roses birthday and she woke me up at 5:30am so she could open her presents urgggggggggg. Sisters.

Today we went to the animates pet shop grand opening and Clara ended up having a huge spaz because dad wont let her get a mouse. So yeah. Im kinda glad because Clara wanted to get a black and white mouse so she could call it moo. That poor mouse.

Last time I said me and my friends were having movie nights, they were really fun we watched some scary movies (before Sky came because she scrares easy) we ended up making a parody of one missed call witch was really funny. We also watched angus, thongs and perfect snogging witch I am now reading the book to. And we watched the notebook. urggggggggg. No im being unreasonable it wasent as bad as I thought it would be but you know, it was urgggggish. Urgggggish. Haha urgggggish. Ima use that now :)

Oh also I have started to write a sherlock fanfic! Its johnlock / parentlock so yeah. :) but its my first fanfic so it probably not that good :/ oh well its fun to write :)

Have the best day ever *anoying cheesy smile that people do all the time*